
I still can be moved to tears!  Your playing is so full of love and warmth that I am deeply touched.  ——Bryan Bowers, master autoharpist and Autoharp Hall of Fame member

Lucille Reilly has the sweetest tone of anybody.  ——Julia Hayward, MI

        Every note is nothing more than a sculpture.  It creates your tension, but it also creates a space around it for you to enjoy the note when it does appear.  There aren’t too many people who can strike a note and bring that image to you.  Lucille Reilly is one that can.  She sure can.  —–Les Raber, in an interview with Paul Tyler

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Music has always been a big part of my life.  As long as there are ears and souls in the world, I’ll do my best to feed both.  In addition to the categories at left, keep in mind music for at-home and corporate parties, department-store events, etc.!

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