New Arrivals Recordings
Hammered Dulcimer Instruction Hammered Dulcimer Music
Autoharp Instruction Autoharp Music Accessories
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New Arrivals
All in a Garden Green
I didn’t at all realise how versatile an instrument the autoharp could be, for I’ve only ever heard before as an accompaniment to singers. Well done! –Charlie Simpson, Secretary, Shetland Musical Heritage Trust, United Kingdom
…interpretations with breathtaking nuances that kiss the ear at just the right moment. –Autoharp Quarterly
I drove to and from a postcard show [an hour from home] today. While on the road, I listened to your CD twice through. It is outstanding. Great selection of tunes executed with perfection….It is easy to see (hear, actually) why you have won so many championships. –Eileen Roys (editor of “Autoharp Clearinghouse”), MD
All in a Garden Green has been in the player and I’ve been listening to it in the mornings. The tunes are happy and bouncy and make my 5am wake time a little easier to manage. –Patricia Sannwald, NY
This long awaited CD features breath-taking English and Scottish country dance tunes, music by J. Scott Skinner and Shetland fiddling legend Tom Anderson, plus two original compositions by Lucille Reilly in the same genre. Each tune is performed on one of six diatonic autoharps, sensitively arranged with original melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic treatments inspired by performance practice from the sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth centuries. An elegant addition to everyone’s library.
Selections include: All in a Garden Green * Off She Goes * Portsmouth * Princess Royal (Bampton) * The Carillon of Sneek * Jamaica * The Fandango * The Cradle Song (J. Scott Skinner) * Jack’s Maggot * Robby Robertson’s March (Lucille Reilly) * Hector the Hero (J. Scott Skinner) * Rory O’More * Absolutely Lovely (Lucille Reilly) * Skye Boat Song * On Cessnock Bank * Am Buaichaille Ban (The Fair Shepherd) * Peter’s Peerie Boat (Tom Anderson) $15
I listened through the CD three times tonight. Holy Toledo, you are a smokin’ hammered dulcimer player! I LOVE hearing what you do with your instrument. Fabulous…The tune “Amelia” is exquisite. Lovely. Excellent, excellent work. – Judy Ganser, Colorado

Selections include: Dick Gossip’s Reel * Double lead Through/Cincinnati * Pretty Little Dog/Liberty * Tenpenny Bit/Morrison’s Jig * Waiting for Nancy (Curt Bouterse) * Karis Pers Polska * Ragtime Annie * Swallowtail Jig/Swallowtail Reel * Reel des jeunes mariés/Eddie’s Reel * Fair Jenny’s Jig (Peter Barnes)/Dancing Bear (Bob McQuillen) * Scotland the Brave/Golden Slippers * Amelia (Bob McQuillen) $15
Woo Hoo! Leg slappin’ goooood!…I think I listened to it four times tonight already. Such happy music, and the subtle rhythms are astonishing! My dog dances with me, too. It’s too funny! – Louise Del Vecchio, New Jersey
Thus Sings My Soul

Selections include: Christ, Mighty Savior * Morning Has Broken * I Sing the Mighty Power of God * Sweet Hour of Prayer * My Shepherd Will Supply My Need * Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending * Stand Up for Jesus * How Great Thou Art * O’Carolan’s Concerto * Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence * There Is a Fountain * Wondrous Love * There Is a Balm in Gilead * Standing on the Promises * Amazing Grace * Fisher’s Hornpipe. $15.00.
Hammered dulcimer players: Before you purchase, check out the book containing all dulcimer solos in print; bundle it with your CD order and save.
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The arrangements are simple and lush. – Dulcimer Players News
A compelling gift of arrangement. – Eileen Roys (editor of “Autoharp Clearinghouse”)
I really enjoy the song selections. You could tell the effort put into the song selection and song order. It is a wonderful recording. [then in a separate note:]…We had a bomb threat (sad reality of public schools) and I had two of our autistic students in my car keeping warm. I put your CD on and it kept them calm. – James Phillips, Illinois
Hammered Dulcimer Instruction
Striking Out and Winning!
Striking Out and Winning! A music-maker’s guide for the hammered dulcimer: First published in 1984, Striking Out’s second edition (1992) remains the best hammered dulcimer book on the market. Aside from 50 great fiddle tunes (including Soldier’s Joy, Liberty, Golden Slippers, The Irish Washerwoman, Drowsy Maggie, St. Anne’s Reel and more), you’ll find complete instructions on how to find your way around all those strings (there are a lot of them, aren’t there?), how to view them in a series of visual patterns that lead to tunes, how to play rhythms, plus valuable tips on how to play easily, using revolutionary ideas about how to hold the hammers and strike the strings, and what playing the dulcimer feels like. Bountiful exercises will help you play easily, and many of them are drawn from the tunes, giving you still more ways to reduce your learning time so you can get to the playing. Temporarily out of print; look for a new edition in 2016.
Dear Lucille: Tried the hammer hold in Chapter 2 and can clearly hear the improvement in tone. I’m amazed!!! – Roger Mace, Ohio
I have never read more thorough instruction for playing any instrument….you could not, not learn to play if you follow Lucille’s step-by-step instructions. – Bluegrass Unlimited
With your detailed and dedicated approach to the nuts and bolts of technique and theory, I’m “Reilly” learning the dulcimer!! For the first time, I can play with other musicians even when I don’t know a lot of their repertoire, and that’s what it’s half about for me!
Also Available: The Companion CDs to the book
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The Hammered Dulcimer A-Chording to Lucille Reilly

This book clearly explains music theory as it relates to the hammered dulcimer. You’ll discover all the possible ways to play triads and inversions, the different types of chords, how to navigate your way easily through two- and three-octave arpeggios, and then learn to play several back-up techniques so you can chord along at jam sessions. Includes the chords to all 50 tunes in Striking Out and Winning! $27.95
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Probably the most complete book on chording for dulcimer players that will ever be written. Lucille slowly dissects every aspect of chord playing and takes it from the magical level of “You just do it like this!” (whatever this is!) to a logical and rational series of steps that can be followed with success by any intermediate level dulcimer player. – Mitzie Collins, dulcimer performer/recording artist, New York State
Hammered Dulcimer Music
Thus Sings My Soul (the hammered-dulcimer solos from the CD of the same title)

Thus Sings My Soul |
Exquisite hymn arrangements for the hammered dulcimer player. Lucille’s penciled notation drafts (composed from 1980 to 1998) made reality. These hymn arrangements are not only great to play: for the intentional dulcimer player, they shed insight on how to arrange tunes for solo hammered dulcimer as approached by a master of the craft of sustain. Each solo runs 3-4 pages in length and is note for note as on the CD.
Selections include: Sweet Hour of Prayer (click here to view an excerpt) * Stand Up for Jesus (click here to view an excerpt; comes with a separate guitar part) * How Great Thou Art * Wondrous Love * Amazing Grace * Fisher’s Hornpipe (with guitar chords) * Standing on the Promises (a duet for hammered dulcimer and diatonic autoharp). A substantial introductory section offers handy learning tips for each piece, and more. 54 pages, with comb binding. $16.00 alone, OR $29.00 when purchased with the CD.
You open the book, and there’s the music! This book needs to be on every dulcimer player’s music stand. – Charles Snyder, Colorado
I am listening now to your CD Thus Sings My Soul from an entirely different perspective and have begun working on “Stand Up For Jesus” with you looking over my shoulder, encouraging me. Your notation in this book makes it easier to recognize what should be emphasized. I wish I lived closer to you! [Note from Lucille: Come on out for B&B lessons!] – Deanna Mitchell, Michigan
Autoharp Instruction
Chords Aplenty
How to choose GREAT chords to play the music you love on diatonic and chromatic autoharp
This book should be in every autoharpist’s library.
–Master Luthier and Autoharp Hall-of-Famer Tom Fladmark, Pennsylvania

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Coming: Audio files with an interactive .pdf.
The Pumping Felt Monograph Series
A growing collection of monographs (booklets diving deeply into one subject) devoted to “pumping felt,” (or what I now call chord-and-release playing on a diatonic autoharp. Each monograph (28-32 pages) is designed to help you master the diatonic autoharp, its music, and yourself as the musician. Most are geared for experienced diatonic autoharpists who are beyond the basics and want to fill in any musicality gaps.
#1: Forked Deer: Exploring Variations on a Theme

The Flowers of Edinburgh
Click here to access the free companion audios.
#5: How to Create and Play the Ultratonic Autoharp

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