The Flowers of Edinburgh


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The Pumping Felt Monograph Series

A growing collection of monographs (booklets diving deeply into one subject) devoted to “pumping felt,” (or what I now call chord-and-release playing on a diatonic autoharp. Each monograph (28-32 pages) is designed to help you master the diatonic autoharp, its music, and yourself as the musician. Most are geared for experienced diatonic autoharpists who are beyond the basics and want to fill in any musicality gaps.

The Flowers of Edinburgh

This one Scottish tune will help you discover how to create a solid melody-chord progression while maintaining back-up chord sound and developing smooth fingering. Thirteen versions of the tune take you through the process; you perform a step on one version and then see the answers, and the next step, on the next version. Use the same process to find rock-solid, basic chord progressions for your favorite tunes. A valuable reference for the diatonic autoharpist about playing all of the tunes in one’s repertoire very solidly. New in the second edition: More detailed instructions about how to create a bass line, with clearer explanations throughout; “animated” illustrations using gray lines and pointers (similar to those in Chords Aplenty); and the relationship of a little-known concept called time spacing as it relates to finger order.


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